The Grandmaster Best Martial Arts Action Movie of All Time | Ninjai Unofficial

The Grandmaster (Released date: 8 January 2013) is a martial arts drama movie. This movie is based on the biography of the Chun grandmaster Ip Man. And this movie was written and directed by Wong Kar-wai. It was the opening movie at the 63rd Berlin international movie festival in February 2013. The movie was received 12 awards in the 33rd Hong Kong film awards. In this movie Wing Chun grandmaster Ip man trying to change the nature of martial arts as he battles a dozen combatants during a rainstorm in Foshan. Ip wins and file flashbacks of his life when he meets Wing Chun as her master. And the climax of this movie Ip trains a young boy who grows up to be his most famous student name Bruce Lee.

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